Cozy needs to knit a new sweater!

Use WASD to control Cozy.


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I love the music and animation to the sweater. The game does kinda just stops after the sweater is done building lol there should be a game over screen. But overall great game :)

i like the music and the animation of how the sweater builds up.

I like the music and the cat is very cute!

1. I think it's very chill, the music adds to the vibe. Nice artwork too.
2. What breed is Cozy?

(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback and the breed is Calico

I like the game, it's very cute and fun! My question is, who is the sweater made for?

The sweater is made for Cozy (the cat). The backstory is basically Cozy had a sweater before but it started falling apart so Cozy collects yarn to make a new sweater

OMG KITTY KITTY! I LOVE IT! I like how as we collect more yarn. the sweater begins to show. 

I really like the menacing pose the cat does, but why is the cat making a human sweater? 

Cozy may secretly be a calico human *Insert sus emoji*

I really like the simplicity of the game. Its very easy to play and satisfying when you create the sweater